Band on the Bow

The Band on the Bow concert band started with a small group of parents who were watching their children have so much fun in their school band program that they said, “We want to do this!” So this small group formed the Cochrane Music Society, encouraged more to join, and here we are, all these years later, still having fun.

The band has about 40 members.  We welcome all instruments and would love to have the less common instruments such as bassoon and oboe.

Band on the Bow Rehearsals

Under the direction of Adam Mailman:

Wednesday evenings
7:00 – 8:45pm
Venue: Bow Valley High School Music Room

Level of Music

Band on the Bow plays music at Grade 3-4.5 level which suits many players in the Cochrane community. Adults who have little or no musical experience or wish to learn a new instrument are encouraged to talk to us about finding outside musical instruction.  Once you have studied the instrument and can read our level of music we’ll be delighted to have you play with us.